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Bryan Winder

Republican for Public Office TBD 2024
Common Sense for the Common Good

Proactive - Responsive - Diligent

 Tell me your issues...I'll listen.
Bald Eagle, US Flag, Constitution

  For the People - From All Parties 

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HI, and thanks for visiting my page. I'm took the last election cycle off to focus on my family and graduate my last kids from high school. In the meantime, I'm working with Rank MI Vote to bring Ranked Choice Voting to MI. See you in 2024! 


Since not enough people voted for a change in Adrian Township, maybe I'm supposed to aim higher? I really wanted to start at the bottom, earn my credentials, fix as much as I could and move up through the levels of bureaucracies making things better for more and more people.

Do enough people want change in Lenawee County for me to have a shot at a Commissioner's seat? Or, since our state has term limits, should I run for one of those upcoming vacancies? I've got about 18 months to figure that out.

Aug 2, 2024 PRIMARY
Only the Lord knows what my future holds.  Follow me on FB, Like & Share @bryanewinder.

2020 Primary Election Results

Well, we gave it a good, honest run but still came up short. Many thanks to all who voted for me. I'm confident that if the Dems could've voted as well, I would've easily made it. See you in two years.

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Thank you to all who have visited my page in the last month! I guess I had better update my page with the voter turnout I promised, now that I finally have the updated info. This data is only for Adrian Township, but the rest of MI is probably within a few percentage points. You can ask your local clerk for your results and the County has posted general info.

- 1639 voters out of 5246 registered voted in the Primary (31%)

- 1526 AV ballots were requested and mailed, yet only 1208 returned them; 431 people voted in person. This does NOT mean MORE people voted b/c of AV popularity and push, it merely means more people voted AV. I believe this is due to the people that vote in a Primary are regular voters and KNEW that MI approved No Reason AV in the last election.

18-21 y/o = 13% voted (25)

22-30 y/o = 9% voted (47)

31-40 y/o = 15% voted (108)

41-50 y/o = 18% voted (155)

51-59 y/o = 27% voted (218)

60+ y/o = 50 % voted (1086)

*Seniors carried the election (as usual) by nearly 2 to 1.

Many reasons for people not turning out to vote in a Primary, but that needs to change if people want change, which the majority obviously do not. Unfortunately, this makes the biggest difference in the Presidential Primaries, where I've tried to make my point before about letting 20% of the (Iowa) population determine who will run for their party.

This speaks volumes to us as a society, and how we are failing at democracy; our education system isn't helping, specifically our History, Govt, Civics teachers as well as parents.

While the November election may prove to be a record turnout, it demonstrates that America puts ALL their hope into finding the one "perfect" person who will solve all of their problems. And in doing so, they will inevitably vote a Straight Party ticket b/c obviously only one Party has all the answers to their woes, even though they know nothing about all of the intermediate legislators between themselves and the POTUS, let alone voted for them in a Primary or off-year election.

Some variables for not voting: unaware or apathetic; no challengers; no chance for third party success; would rather complain than take an active (legal) role in the process. We need to get involved.

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